
Thursday, November 25, 2004

Independent Liquor Group (txt2pdf)

Independent Liquor Group (ILG) is a major liquor wholesaler in Sydney. With the aid of TXT2PDF, we now provide up to six months back invoices in PDF format on our Web sites. Customers can search for and download the PDF version themselves on a 24x7 basis.
Here 2 nice examples of invoices: invoice 1 invoice 2
Read the detail of the project., PRWeb, OpenPress, Click2NewsSites and Free Press Relelase articles.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Athlon Car Lease Germany (txt2pdf PRO)

Athlon Car Lease Germany is an independant supplier for car leasing and fleetmanagement in Germany. Athlon uses txt2pdf PRO to convert to pdf external correspondence (producing within their backoffice Oracle WebForms).
Read the detail of the project.
PRWeb,, and Free Press Relelase articles.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Monday, September 27, 2004

MIAG delivers the payment advice as a PDF

MIAG belongs to the METRO AG and assume the centralized payment and its guarantee, as well as some international co-ordination for our European affiliated companies and their suppliers. In this connection we develope solutions for our customers, the suppliers of the Metro Group, to deliver the payment advice as a PDF. Also we provide the PDF on our Internet Portal for download. The monthly output is about 150'000 pages. A part of these we produce with txt2pdf.
Read the detail of the project
PRWEB, Free Press Relelase and OpenPress articles.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Columbia Forest Products sends pdfs via email

Columbia Forest Products (CFP) is North America's finest manufacturer of hardwood veneer, hardwood plywood, flooring and laminated products.
CFP is using txt2pdf PRO to take text output of its ERP and create a document that is easily sent via email to be viewed uniformly on each end user's PC.
Read the detail of the project.
PRWEB, Free Press Relelase,, and articles.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

GWK Beperk/Limited sends pdf invoices by email

GWK Beperk/Limited is an agri business thus active in the grain trade.
Selling grain means invoicing huge amounts of monies (millions) with terms of as
little as 5 days.
This means that the invoice literally has to be
delivered to the buyer when the truck leaves the silo.
GWK switched to sending their invoices by e-mail after running it through txt2pdfPRO+crypt.
This is an example of faktuur/invoice the pdf is encrypted and protected by gwkfaktuur password.
Read the detail of the project.
PRWEB, Free Press Relelase, and articles.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Motorcharge uses data2pdf

Motorcharge is a leading provider of fuel cards to small and medium businesses throughout Australia.
Motorcharge was using txt2pdf PRO and now is using data2pdf.
This is an example of their old invoices
This is an example of their new invoices made by a new version of data2pdf with the possibility to have in the same document pages in landscape and portrait format.
Read the detail of the project.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Plantrol Systems incorporated data2pdf into OmniTRIEVE

Plantrol Systems, Ltd. is a trusted custom software solution partner for the printing and forms manufacturing industry.
Plantrol recently partnered with SANFACE Software to incorporated data2pdf into OmniTRIEVE.
PRWEB, and Free Press Relelase articles.
Read more information about the agreement.

Friday, March 19, 2004

UIC Asian Computer Services convert PAYmaster reports into encrypted PDFs

UIC Asian Computer Services Pte Ltd recently partnered with SANFACE Software to convert selected confidential PAYmaster reports into PDF documents with password encryption.
Read more information about the agreement.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

British Columbia Ministry of Education uses txt2pdf PRO

British Columbia Ministry of Education is using txt2pdf PRO within its K-12 student systems (PEN, SLD, ISS, TSQ).This approached replaced mass mail-outs by using PDF-based email attachments., PRWEB,, Free Press Relelase articles.
Read more information about the project.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Information Development Consultants manufactures financial software

Information Development Consultants, Inc. has
signed an agreement with SANFACE Software. iDC uses txt2pdf PRO to convert their
ASCII reports into PDF documents for easier presentation, e-mailing, and sharing
over the internet. iDC manufactures financial software for the government and
nonprofit marketplace.
Read more information about the agreement.