We made a simple test: using www.qr-code-generator.com we made a qrcode of our link www.sanface.com then we save the image into a jpg and use it with txt2pdf PRO in the background. Here the final pdf
txt2pdf PRO 11.0 is out!
It has all the new features of txt2pdf 11.0 plus the usual txt2pdf PRO features (jpegs, form feed, compression, ... features)
txt2pdf PRO 11.0 has a new license for virtual servers
Optimization of the fonts: now you can set only the fonts you effectively need in the pdf. font was substituted by defaultfont and usedfonts
With defaultfont you can set the font you want to use to convert the text (default value is F1 normal Courier)
With usedfonts you can set the list of fonts you want to use also in background and with the fontmark feature (default value of is defaultfont). e.g. usedfonts: F5,F7,F20
we deleted tradchinese, simplchinese, korean, japanese. Simplier you can add in defaultfont and usedfonts the fonts you will use.