
Sunday, January 25, 2015

txt2pdf 11.0 is out!

txt2pdf 11.0 is out!
These are the news:
  • Optimization of the fonts: now you can set only the fonts you effectively need in the pdf. font was substituted by defaultfont and usedfonts
    • With defaultfont you can set the font you want to use to convert the text (default value is F1 normal Courier)
    • With usedfonts you can set the list of fonts you want to use also in background and with the fontmark feature (default value of is defaultfont). e.g. usedfonts: F5,F7,F20
  • we deleted tradchinese, simplchinese, korean, japanese. Simplier you can add in defaultfont and usedfonts the fonts you will use.
  • new license for virtual servers

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